Treating acute and chronic infections of all types has been a clear strength of ozone for more than a century. Ozone kills virus, bacteria, and parasites on contact. Ozone also stimulates your immune systems “Killer cells” to get busy and hunt down bad guys. But what about treating COVID-19 infections?

An Italian study by Franzini in 2020 followed 50 hospitalized men, confirmed to have COVID-19. This was a very sick group as the average age was 75 years old, and 96% of the group had comorbid issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or previous heart disease. All had CT confirmed interstitial pneumonia. Every patient required oxygen assisted ventilation.


All of these significant impaired respiratory patients received standard treatment with steroids, antibiotics, and vitamin C. Yes, Vitamin C is used in “Italian” hospitals. They then received ozone therapy 3 to 5 times per day for 5 days. The results were staggering. Only 2 deaths occurred. There was a 96% survival rate. If you compare this to survival rates in the U.S. of similar patients in acute respiratory distress the survival rate is only 25%. The death rate without ozone therapy was 6 times greater.

Other findings from the study:

  • Time of hospitalization in the USA is 18.7 – 25.6 days.
    • In this study, time of hospitalization was 11.1 – 15.8 days.
  • CRP is a blood test measuring “inflammation” reduced up to 48.15%.
  • IL-6 (interleukin-6), responsible for “cytokine storm” reduced 86.17%.
  • Oxygen saturation levels increased 13.26%  (from 85% to 98%)
  • Almost complete recovery of normal lung function.
  • Risk for blood clots decreased as D-dimer blood tests decreased 35%


Why aren’t we offering this proven therapy in American hospitals? Great question but the short answer is that in the U.S. we ONLY USE DRUGS. Ozone isn’t a drug.

What if I get COVID-19 and become gravely ill? Then contact us about immediate treatment options. For milder cases of COVID-19, ozone can be beneficial as well but our comprehensive approach engaging integrative strategies to support your immune system may be all that you need along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Don’t live in fear. There are good solutions, strong treatments that work and we are here to help.