BPC-157 Peptide - Repair
Posted in Education, Longevity Program & Tools on Jan 22, 2023
BPC-157 is a small 15 amino acid peptide that has very broad application as it affects multiple body systems. BPC stands for “Body Protective Compound” and your body makes it in the gut where it repairs the daily wear and tear that occurs with digestion. But it also gets absorbed through the gut and impacts joint repair, vascular health, and nervous system function and repair. Broad ranging animal studies show its ability to protect the brain after head trauma and even aid in the restoration of nerve function after direct nerve trauma.
The initial study of BPC-157 showed an impressive ability to speed recovery from soft tissue injuries to tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. BPC-157 interacts with our nitric oxide system and stimulates expression of a gene called “early growth response-1” that works to promote collagen formation needed for tissue repair. In animal studies the rate of healing was more than doubled. I have used this peptide myself after shoulder surgery and found great benefit. But this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg for BPC-157.
Angiogenesis is the process whereby our body builds new blood vessels to provide nutrients and oxygen to tissue for growth and repair. This is a critical process that goes on our entire life but as we age it can be sluggish. In a study by Brcic in the journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, they imposed damage to muscle and nerve tissue in rats and then gave BPC-157. They measured the repair molecules (VEGF, Factor VIII, CD34) that are normally produced under such injury and saw more than a 100% rise in these repair signals with the use of BPC-157. This translates into faster and more successful repair which is key as we age.
The impact this peptide can offer for longevity and heart health are what I find very exciting.
The process of aging has been defined many ways but one of the key features is our inability to repair the simple daily wear and tear that occurs in tissues of our body. Now think about that as you ponder the #1 killer in the U.S. – heart disease. Can we repair the damage that is occurring in our blood vessels that leads to heart attacks? In a study by Seiwerth in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design, they concluded that BPC-157 was the most potent angio-modulatory agent, meaning that it strongly supports the ability of our body to repair damaged blood vessels. It optimized the healing process.
In other cardiovascular studies BPC-157 was used in a host of settings with the following findings:
• Reduced arrhythmias, irregular heartbeats, after oxygen deprivation
• Reduced occurrence of deep vein thrombosis (blood clots)
• Improved congestive heart failure
• Improved blood pressure and pulmonary hypertension
As BPC-157 is generated in our gut tissue its impact on bowel health has been extensively studied. It offers a tremendous benefit when treating ulcers, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and restoring healthy gut function. It can be given as a subQ injection but oral capsules and oral sprays are stable and work best for treating gut issues.
Given that BPC-157 is restorative to our gut which holds 70% of our immune function, it is only natural to assume that it benefits our immune health. There are studies showing its ability to reduce immune inflammation and even discussion of its potential impact on active infections like virus and even COVID-19. In the journal Medical Hypothesis, author Sarah Deek reviews the mechanism of action that could make BPC-157 an asset in patients with COVID-19. Given that aging involves a loss of immune resilience I do like the potential of this agent in longevity.
As a large part of my practice involved longevity strategies. I recommend peptide therapies often. Given the broad reach and heart benefits of BPC-157 I always include this in a comprehensive program to be used intermittently over the course of time. BPC-157 is not something you would normally take every day for months on end but rather a pulsed element that you might use for a few weeks, then stop, and repeat later that year. It is one of those broad peptides that helps restore normal physiology. Talk with your practitioner to help decide if this is right for you and how to best use this valuable tool.