Podcast #2 – Dementia & Alzheimers disease
Gary Huber, D.O. is a board-certified physician of Integrative medicine. He is a professor of integrative medicine for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) and the Metabolic medicine Institute (MMI) out of George Washington University. He is a preceptor for University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy students and medical students at Ohio University. He lectures weekly to fellows training in integrative medicine and is the medical director for an educational website called HippEvo.com.
Chelsea Dorsett, R.D., L.D. is an integrative health & longevity coach, a cognitive health interventionalist, a corporate health plan director, a physician assistant, a registered dietitian, and integral member of Dr. Huber’s health team and practice.
A quick note on HippEvo.com. Hippocrates was a Greek physician in 400 B.C. and is known as the “Father of Medicine”, a title awarded for his commitment to evolving the medical arts of his day. He is famous for many quotes but a few are shared here:
- Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
- It is more important to know what type of person has a disease than what type of disease a person has.
- The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.
- The natural force within each of us is the greatest healer of all.
- Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure
Doctors take a Hippocratic oath when they receive their medical license. I fear that if Hippocrates were alive today, he would be sadly disappointed with much of what we have done with medical care. It is my contention that if Hippcrates were to lead medicine forward he would have EVOLVED into an integrative minded approach. Drugs are powerful and have their place in medicine, but they hold very little power to heal or reverse disease and no ability to drive true health. HippEvo is an abbreviation of Hippocrates Evolution and represents a union of the best that medicine has to offer blended with all of the other health sciences to generate the most powerful healing tool in medical care. It combines nutritional science, stress management, exercise, meditation, sleep science, IV nutrition, hyperbaric oxygen, herbs and plant-based elements and most of all common sense. HippEvo’s mission is to fuel the patient’s ability to understand their body and take responsibility for their own health. Yes, doctors have a role here but doctors are helpless if the patient isn’t moving their lifestyle in the right direction. HippEvo was built to serve. It exist as platform where integrative doctors and healthy minded patients can come together to create something special. Check it out for yourself at Hippevo.com.
Podcast #2
Punchline up front – conclusions we will arrive at today:
- Dementia is not a genetic issue. Genetics may increase risk but are not a big factor.
- Lifestyle is more significant than genes. Lifestyle is POWERFUL.
- Lifestyle is the biggest determinant: higher risk if obese, high carb diet, smoker, stressed. Overweight and high blood pressure will TRIPLE your risk.
- You can reverse it if you catch it early.
- 5 biggest risk factors/ interventions: plastic, diet, hormones, thyroid, weight loss.
- Don’t overlook your thyroid and hormone levels.
- Don’t overlook your thyroid and hormone levels.
- You can test your risk for Alzheimers with a simple blood test - p-Tau-181 protein and your ApoE gene.
- Also test CRP, Insulin, hormones and the whole Alzheimers panel. https://hippevoshop.com/product/alzheimers-risk-assessment/
- See HippEvoShop.com to get a discounted panel. https://hippevoshop.com/
- p-Tau-protein lab – assess risk: https://hippevoshop.com/product/p-tau-181-483745/
- High end treatment includes Hyperbaric oxygen & Stem cell therapy is here today and has been studied and shown effective in treating dementia.
- Stem Cell Webinar: https://www.hippevo.com/articles/stem-cell-webinar
Easy first steps
- Fasting – engage a regular fasting habit.
- Intermittent Fasting - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/intermittant-fasting-for-weight-loss
- Change diet to reduce carbs and sugars and increase “healthy” fats
- Sleep is critical for repair and long-term health. Value the quality of your sleep.
- Sleep Hygiene - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/sleep-hygiene-how-to-cultivate-better-sleep
What is HippEvo? “Hippocrates Evolution” Hippevo.com is a website to offer vetted information to help you educate yourself so that you are empowered to participate and drive your own best care. You don’t have to go it alone as integrative doctors are also engaged in this website so that you can connect with help from integratively trained doctors and clinicians when you need it. The website offers discounted tools such as labs and pharmaceutical grade supplements from only the best manufacturers. Each supplement offered has been hand-picked by Dr. Huber for its efficacy and purity and represents the best option in the marketplace.
Minute 9:30 - Brain Physiology
Brain is only 2% of your body mass but is highly metabolic and receives 20% of all the blood flow from your heart. Any toxin you ingest or incur is going to impact the brain more than any other body part.
The brain has twice as many immune cells as it has nerve cells. Our immune system is largely housed in our gut so if you have gut issues like IBS or heartburn then this reflects an irritated immune system in the bowel and increases risk for dementia and Alzheimers.
What are you doing right now to make your brain more or less inflamed.
Minute 16:00 - ApoE-4 gene test
The ApoE-4 gene increases your risk for Alzheimers but doesn't sentence you to have Alzheimers. Are you engaging bad habits that would turn that gene ON or are you being smart with your lifestyle and silencing that gene? How well you manage your blood sugar, weight, exercise, plastics exposure, etc will play a huge role in whether this is really an issue for you. You can easily test for that gene but then what? The treatment remains the same – be smart, be proactive and measure basic labs to assess your body’s functional status.
Link to ApoE-4 gene test – https://hippevoshop.com/product/apo-e-geneotype-503935/
Minute 17 – Causes of Alzheimers
Amyloid is a good thing and healthy for our brain UNLESS . . . we do things to generate EXCESS amyloid of a bad form. This leads to stockpiling of amyloid that leads to “plaque”. Stock piling amyloid in the brain is a problem.
Causes of Alzheimers – things that increase risk:
- Plastic exposure – avoid all plastic as much as possible.
- Healthy Kitchen Detox - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlOjUZFEWBw&list=PLrmy2zA1FefD0SB8x_LucIBZa0liAt1SA
- Glyphosate – “Round-Up” herbicide.
- Food – dangers are high carb diets, processed foods, man-made hydrogenated oils
(corn, canola, soy, etc), - Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistant.
- Real life story of type 2 diabetes - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/february-2023-newsletter
- Stress & Sleep – cortisol is our stress hormone which alters all other hormones.
- Stress / Cortisol response system - https://www.hippevo.com/conditions/adrenal-stress-cortisol-fatigue/adrenal-fatigue-understanding-the-stress
- EMF’s – electromagnetic fields. Your cell phone, wifi, earbuds, computers, iPads,
microwave ovens, fluorescent lights and dirty electricity. - Webinar exposing EMF dangers - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/emfs-electro-magnetic-field-danger
- Hormones – lack of estrogen and testosterone.
- OB/GYN Karen Kaufman discusses testosterone use in women - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/testosterone-use-in-womens-health
- Thyroid – get a complete thyroid panel to assess your actual thyroid function.
- How to interpret your thyroid labs - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/thyroid-lab
- Fasting – reduces amyloid plaque accumulation in the brain and may reduce it.
- Reduces oxidative stress and promotes detox. Stimulates brain repair, BDNF.
- Video: How & Why to fast - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/fasting-how-why
Minute 38:20 - Top 3 Nutrition changes
Things to pursue:
- Eat healthy fats – don’t be afraid of healthy foods olive oil, coconut oil, fish, nuts, seeds, meat, eggs, or any “natural” fat source. Avoid with extreme prejudice any man-made hydrogenated oil such as corn oil, canola, soybean, sunflower, safflower as these are chemically altered and very risky to ingest in any amount.
- Eat ample clean protein such as organic meats and eggs.
- Eat organic vegetables – choose to pick organic as much as possible to reduce Round Up exposure and genetically modified foods.
What to avoid:
- Fast foods and all hydrogenated oils as mentioned above.
- Sugar and high carb diet in general. The highest carb foods are grains (rice, corn, wheat and all baked products like bread, crackers and pasta). Fruit and potato are also high carb foods.
- Processed foods in general. Try to remove all processed food as much as you can and work to increase whole, natural, foods the majority of the time.
Minute 43:30 – “MENTAL” Health
M – MEASURE – track your “Cognition Score” and get labs done
- HippEvo.com – Alzheimers panel. Hormones, Thyroid, Glutathione, Insulin
https://hippevoshop.com/ - P-Tau-181 protein - https://hippevoshop.com/product/p-tau-181-483745/
- Cognition Score - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/cognition-score-rate-your-brain
E – EXERCISE – both your body and your brain
- Activate Brain & Body. https://www.activatebrainandbody.com/
- BrainHQ – website with cognitive games and challenges. https://www.brainhq.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand&utm_content=46467711%2B327060831330&utm_term=brainhq&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpY69a-f9k7KQ52EaOwAyKarp0A3x_IRBbz8FHHNirxJvd0nf9I7uScaAqu1EALw_wcB&v4=true&fr=y
N – NUTRITION – lots of healthy fats, antioxidants, veg, eggs, olive oil
T – TOXINS – toxins, plastic, sugar, EMF’s, PPI, statins
A – ACCEPT – life is what it is, stop the stress and resistance. Meditation & Stillness Exercise are strong tools
- Stillness Exercise - https://www.hippevo.com/articles/the-art-of-stillness
L – LEARN – new language, skills, hobbies, art, exercise, puzzles
To make a comment or offer your insight email us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and want to create a conversation on these important topics.