Mission Statement. Why am I here?
Posted in Mind & Body on Sep 04, 2021
Why do I exist? Whats my purpose? Where am I going? What do I stand for? These are key questions that most people struggle to answer. Lets discuss how to get to the core of this as your happiness is at stake....
Healing Meditation Video
Posted in Longevity, Mind & Body on Apr 04, 2021
The KEY elements to creating your own version of a healing meditation are presented. Taking the time to truly give your heart to this practice could infinitely change your life....
Hunk, Chunk or Drunk - how has social distancing affected you?
Posted in Mind & Body, Mind Over Matter on Sep 27, 2020
Over the past 6 months as you squirreled away and distanced yourself have you used this time to become a HUNK, a CHUNK or a DRUNK. Maybe even a MONK. What beliefs do you possess and how are they driving your de...
Meditation 101 - Guided AUDIO
Posted in Mind & Body on Jan 19, 2020
Learning how to perform simple "Box Breathing" is one of the easiest ways to distract the mind and enter the amazing realm of meditation. This 8 minute guided meditation will serve as an easy portal for your in...
Meditation: The 7 Energy Centers
Posted in Mind & Body on Jan 12, 2020
This is a 10 minute guided meditation by Dr. Huber to help you get in touch and focus on your energy centers to restore function. We offer many tools to help you in your meditative understanding so if you have ...
In Honor of Logan Turner
Posted in Mind & Body, Mind Over Matter on Dec 02, 2019
If you open your mind to possibility . . . and open your heart to receive . . . then amazing things will land right in your lap. It's all around us if we simply stop long enough to listen to the silence and be ...